“I am Unique” Journal Prompts for Kids

Help your child embrace their uniqueness with these empowering journaling writing prompts inspired by the positive affirmation "I am Unique" from the Jimi and Friends Coloring Book - Build Confidence with Affirmations. These five journaling prompts aim to nurture self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-expression in children, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their unique identity and potential. Tailored for children to reflect on and write their responses independently or as an activity to strengthen parent-child bonds, these prompts encourage children to explore their individual qualities, celebrate their uniqueness, follow their passions, overcome challenges, and set personal goals while staying true to themselves.

Incorporating these prompts into a relaxed setting, such as during dinner conversations, bedtime story readings, or nature walks, enhances the experience and promotes positive thoughts, enriching both personal growth and family connections.

  1. Discover Your Special Talents: Write down five things that make you special, like the things you're good at, what makes you laugh, and what you love to do. How do these unique qualities contribute to who you are as a person?

  2. Celebrate What Makes You, You!: Think about a time when being unique or different from others made you feel proud of being yourself. What happened? How did it feel? What makes you unique? How can you celebrate your specialness every day?

  3. Follow Your Heart and Interests: Think about something you really, really love to do. How does it make you feel when you're doing it? How does it make you unique? How can you make time for doing more of what you love every day?

  4. Turn Challenges into Victories: Think about a time when you faced something hard and you made it through. What helped you get through it? How did being yourself help? What did you learn about yourself from this experience?

  5. Setting Personal Goals: Dream Big, Be You: Imagine something really amazing that you want to do or be when you grow up. What is it? Why is it important to you? What small steps can you take every day to make your dream come true while still being true to yourself?


“I am Confident” Journal Prompts for Kids